Friday, September 17, 2010


Ask me about it?

Aint gonna lie to you..internet is my cup of tea.. I am lovin' it !

What is all this really about

MBITECH is an Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronic Media(affiliated to GGSIPU) Journalism college ( initiative to help its students understand internet and apply its use to do something big or at least something useful with their conventional, orthodox and boringly professional kinda life. MBITECH trainers include Patra sir and Shikha mam (check above 4 names).

Why care about it at all

No kidding guys/gals but whenever I am off work I use net. before sleeping I use the net, After returning from college I use the net, To Talk to my friend, I .. .. ..

Net is the easiest way to -

1. Make money
2. Save money
3. Get data for free which else would cost a lot of money (Talking in terms of knowledge) lol.
4. Come on guys don't tell me you don't know the uses of the internet


The club's base is MBICEM computer lab (shhh..)

What will we learn which is so darn good

1. Nothing you are not aware of .. Websites but
But we will build our least learn how to do all that

2. A lot about designing and networking..check other posts for other functions

Now I can ramble on for very long.


The club has started. I am proud to be in it. Faculty is REALLY the best and the club; seems like a heaven made team from the very beginning.
They're cool.

Enough of the dude language. I love MBITECH club and feel great -

1. Ambiance
2. Atmosphere
3. Interaction
4. Co-ordination
5. Cooperation
6. I think you got my point

This is my last year in college and want to get as much training in as many fields as possible.

MBICEM is providing its students with way more than what GGSIPU BJ(MC) curricullum promises. I guess this college will after all make me a Journalist I came to become.
(straight from the heart - NOT promoting MBICEM college).

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