Camera is a medium for capturing moments that we wish to cherish and keep it so that the memory of the moment is not lost. One such moment of my life was when I visited a place that was "A Home for Deprived”. A place where you see children of age group 05-18 yrs and the talent in them is multi faceted yet they are the specially abled kids .The illustration above is of boy trying to capture the talent of another boy who is specially abled and has a melodious voice that is being cherished by all the people present there. The talent in the boy is heights above all the gaps of society a person would have to undergo being differently abled.
The boy there is not one who is taking the picture of a boy who is different then all but with a mindset of how and where all creativity can be unleashed as if sought for.
The activity that we have taken up i.e. drawing an illustration and describing it is meant for medium that will unzip our creativity which is buried deep in us, some people think that creativity is only in the way of how one performs a task and not in the way how it is executed. As here in the illustration we can see that the child who is singing is executing his talent at the same time fighting with the injustice, the one on the other end is trying to capture the way the talent is being showcased and trying to show that the persons is of great value to the one behind the camera.
A famous saying states that: “Its not the medium that decides how a picture is but the person behind is responsible for the way it looks.”
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